Sunday, June 24, 2012

broken sinus and an nice evening out

Is this even possible? I think the kid broke my right sinus... At least it feels that way. He has this very sweet and cuddly way of going for a hug- head first. Hard-ass skull first. Usually into my face. About 2/3 of the time I catch him before impact, every once in a while he makes contact. In my head it sounded like a baseball bat hitting a home run. I am pretty sure I will have a bruise that will embarrass my husband in public. haha
"He did it because he loves me, really!"
"No, no, it was the little man." lol

Yesterday was our 5 year anniversary. We went out gluttony style. We went to Maggianos, one of the Hubby's fav restaurants. We went out after the little man went to bed, so mom watched the monitor. We ate like pigs and it was great. I know I just lamented over the hubby's health, but holidays don't count. And any special day that involves me IS a holiday. hello...
It was good times. He made reservations for us, so it was nice to walk in and sit down. The hubbs reminded me that we went to eat there before we saw Phantom of the Opera when we were fist dating and I apparently gave him crap about not making a reservation then. I don't remember, but I am glad I did.

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