It is officially summer. We started with illness... as most summers do. I have some sort of sinus gunk I am determined to kick homeopathic-ly. Baby boy (who is now almost 2 yikes) has croupe. Little man had is big toe run over by a rocking chair and with all the blood clotting issues he has me worried because it is still oozing, 5 day later. The dr took a blood sample to check his clotting time again. Which was normal, but now I am not so sure. We are waiting for them to call some time today probably.
But I have BIG plans for this summer. It WILL not get away from me again. Mondays and Fridays I will have my nephew. Tuesdays is our tentative swim date with a friend from work with her twins. Wednesdays there is toddler play at the rec center down the street. Thursday is craft day (along with Monday because I want the nephew to do these things too!
There is a week very soon that the boys will go to VBS with me. I will teach, Little man is registered and Baby Boy will be in the nursery. We are talking about an epic nap week. Then shortly after that the Hubbs and I are going to Vegas for the American Library Association's annual conference. We will be there 4 days for his conference. Which means I will be lounging by the pool and window shopping while he is doing "library things." The awesome news I just received is that a friend of mine will be there at the same time, so it will be cool to hang out with her. So I won't be so alone... eep.
I really am going to have a good time. We are staying past the conference for a few days to do some touristy stuff. We are going to rent a car and drive to Hoover Dam... supa pumped about that. Grand canyon fun times ahoy. (Can you tell we have been watching Jake and the Never Land Pirates a lot?)
There is a wedding and a baby shower. Lots of photo sessions sprinkled throughout.
I tend to put on a few pounds in the summer becuase I do a lot of TV watching. Not this year friends... I am going to do better. I am going to keep busy and I will get the most out of this time with my boys.
Yay you get to go to Vegas!! Sounds like a wonderful summer in the works. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!