Feeling the love today.
Loving my husband.
Who got up early with baby boy even though it wasn't his turn yesterday morning.
Who loves his job.
Who is good at his job.
Who supports me no matter what crazy idea I come up with.
Who wants me to get my PhD.
Who wants to read my book.
Who loves our boys.
Who will do the dishes when I feel crappy.
Loving The Boy.
Who put himself down for a nap today.
Who decided that he wasn't ready for a nap, so he got a book and read to himself for 20 minutes.
Who when he was done reading, called "Mama! Mama!"
Who when I entered the room he smiled and laid down. and whispered "mama."
Loving the Baby Boy
Who nuzzles me when I pick him up.
Who gives the most bright smile that radiates through the room.
Who turned over today.
Who has the most squeezeable cheeks.
Feeling the love today.
Also- they are napping.
SO much love! Yay!